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Fresh Harvest: World’s Largest Seafood Consumers

The supply and demand for seafood—fish, crustaceans, molluscs—vary across countries and regions around the world, reflecting a wide diversity in eating habits, traditions, availability of resources, seasons, and to some extent, economic levels. In theory, countries with the largest populations and most extensive water resources should produce and consume the most seafood. However, this is not always the case and even within countries, differences are manifested.

Africa consumes the least amount of seafood (based on actual tonnage), followed by the Caribbean, Central America, Europe, and North America. Asia, meanwhile, accounts for two-thirds of total production. In terms of per capita consumption, however, Oceania (Pacific countries and Australia) ranks first. China, Japan, and the U.S. have the strongest demand for seafood.


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Aquaculture production, sometimes referred to as aqua-farming, plays a significant role in meeting the demand for human consumption of fish and other fishery products. In recent years, significant growths in the quantity of fish consumed have originated from aquaculture.

Empowerment of Coastal Fishing Communities for Livelihood Security (BGD/97/017). The model developed by the Empowerment of Coastal Fishing Communities for Livelihood Security (ECFC) provides a platform for the inherent ability of coastal communities to organise, mobilise and manage human capital towards achieving collective economic, social, educational and political goals. There is keen and justifiable interest within government agencies, community organisations as well as donor agencies in expanding this model to the rest of the country and an application to the donor agencies towards this effect is in the pipeline. ECFC's philosophy was based on a sustainable livelihood approach, implemented in Cox's Bazar and aimed at empowering coastal fishing communities.. This was a Technical Assistance (TA) type development project piloted in 118 fishing villages of the district.

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Demersal fish (bottom feeders) are preferred mostly by consumers in Northern Europe and North America, whereas cephalopods (such as squids) are mainly consumed in Mediterranean and Asian countries. The consumption of crustaceans (such as crabs and lobsters), being high-priced commodities, is concentrated mainly in affluent economies. Pelagic species (such as anchovies and sardines), meanwhile, often end up in canning factories.

Northern Fisheries, headed by Brian Eliason, supplies frozen seafood products to some of the largest retailers, food service distributors, and restaurant chains in the world. Know more about the company by visiting this website.

History and Traditions: Discover the Wonders of Fly Fishing Through Museum Visits

For fly anglers, fun is about being in the shallow waters, casting fly toward unsuspecting gamefishes. But to some fly fishing enthusiasts, there are other ways to appreciate this activity even without stepping into bodies of water, like visiting museums.

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The Fly Fishing Museum of the Southern Appalachians recently opened in Cherokee, North Carolina, to give the public a taste of what the sport has to offer. There are exhibits and videos about fly fishing’s history, from past reeling legends to the evolution of rods and reels used for the sport. There are also lots of opportunities to learn extensively about basic knots, fly-tying techniques, and the types of equipment for the outdoor activity. The museum specifically highlights the history of the fly fishing community and gamefish found in southeastern U.S.

Established in 1968 in Manchester, Vermont, The American Museum of Fly Fishing (AMFF) is another go-to destination for information and knowledge about the outdoor activity. The museum was built to commemorate the history, traditions, and practices of the sport and also to promote the protection and conservation of bodies of water. Aside from its collection of rods, reels, and flies, the AMFF also puts up on display artistic photographs and archival materials with fly fishing as their main subject.

AMFF has also started organizing online exhibitions to reach audiences from around the globe. In 2014, the museum published the online exhibit “A Graceful Rise” that talks about the accomplishments of women in the fly fishing industry and history.

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President of seafood distributor Northern Fisheries, Brian Eliason is also a fly angling enthusiast most known for his impressive catch of a 51-pound permit in Big Pine Key, Florida. Learn more about him and his company by visiting this website.

Permits: Giants of The Deep

The Trachinotus falcatus, or the permit as it’s more commonly known, is a large species of fish found in the Western Atlantic ocean. The permit is silvery gray in color, and is distinguished by its forked fins and blunt snout.

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The permit can grow as long as 48 inches and as heavy as 79 lbs and is a favorite sport fish in the waters surrounding the Florida Keys. Because of its relatively flat body, it can quickly turn sideways and swim away, even in shallow waters. It is known to be wary of flies and easily spooked by sudden movements. As a result, the permit fish is notoriously difficult to catch on the fly.

In 2003, Brian Eliason of Northern Fisheries traveled to Belize for the purpose of catching his first permit, but failed to catch any. Disappointed, he headed to the Florida Keys to try his luck there. On his third trip to the Keys, Eliason attempted to hook a permit with his Merkin fly with no success. He switched to a Raghead Crab fly and caught a massive 51 pound permit, placing him, and his catch, in the saltwater record books of the International Game Fish Association (IGFA.)

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Eliason used a Raghead Crab fly to hook his catch. The fly is patterned after a common crab, one of the permit’s natural prey.

The permit, while edible, is considered a game fish and is usually released after being weighed and photographed, as was the case with his prize-winning catch.

For more articles on the sport of fly fishing, subscribe to this Brian Eliason blog.

New World Record by Brian Eliason Endorses New Fly Pattern

A new saltwater record was made when a 51-pound permit was caught off Big Pine Key by Northern Fisheries president and seasoned fisher, Brian Eliason. The feat alone is worthy of recognition, but what most experts find most fascinating is that he used a relatively unknown fly pattern called the Raghead crab fly. Choosing new fly patterns is usually not done for fear that the change will not be effective.  Veteran anglers strictly follow the adage of “not fixing what is not broken”.

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However, during the first few attempts at traditional patterns, Eliason found fish to be indifferent to the bait. He came to the idea that perhaps his technique was valid, but the fish were no longer interested in a bigger fly. He experimented with the Raghead pattern (a notoriously smaller bait) and was happily surprised to find the fish charging aggressively towards it. In the end, it was a tippet that caught on and towed the boat for around 70 minutes – missing several coral heads and lobster pots before being taken.

New research is suggesting that effective angling involves more than following standard protocols.  Fish behave differently based on locality and even weather conditions. Competent anglers adjust their techniques appropriately based on what they know and their preference. Eliason’s own analysis of the situation surely endorses newer, smaller baits, but the achievement does not lessen the effectiveness of traditional methods.

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Brian Eliason of Northern Fisheries is passionate about anything related to fishing. Improve your fly-fishing techniques or learn more about the freshest finds by liking this Facebook page.

Fish are friends: Benefits of fish oil

Fish oil is a type of fatty acid derived from the tissues of oily fish. It has omega-3 fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

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The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that everyone eat fish (especially fatty, cold-water fish) at least twice a week. The reason behind is that these types of fishes are an abundant source of omega-3. In particular, salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, lake trout, and tuna are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. But if you’re not a fan of eating fish, then you can take fish oil supplements now available in most local stores.

Here are just some of the benefits of fish oil:

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Stronger bones: Growing older means weaker bones, especially in women. Studies show that a regular intake of omega-3 fatty acid DHA provides optimal bone health, heavier bone density, and balance in calcium quantity.

Healthy cholesterol level support: Taking fish oil may help maintain healthy levels of blood cholesterol. Taking 3 to 6 grams of fish oil a day can help promote healthy ratios of HDL to LDL.

Protection from air pollution: Tests show that those who had fish oil didn’t have the same negative responses as those who hadn’t when exposed to air pollution. Omega-3 fatty acid offers protection against the cardiac and lipid effects brought about by air pollution exposure. Fish oil is best taken by those living in the city.

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Optimum heart protection: Fish oil helps reduce the chance of abnormal heart rhythm, the likelihood of heart attack and stroke, and lessens the chance of sudden cardiac death in people with heart disease.

Brian Eliason is the president of Northern Fisheries Ltd., a leading exporter, importer, and retailer of seafood products. Learn more about the company here.

Beyond the bubbling brooks: Where to cast a fly

Fly fishing is usually associated with fishing in mountain streams and local small river systems. While flies are indeed one of the best ways to catch fast-moving upstream fish like trout and salmon, these lures also magnetize other species of fish. In reality, fish of all kinds can be caught using flies from local ponds and slower-moving rivers and even in oceans close to shore.

Effective fly fishing in a given body of water is dependent on an understanding of the fish’s ecosystem and the nature of their environment, which helps pinpoint the best spots to cast the line and the best time to do so.

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Lakes and rivers

Fishers in ponds, lakes, and slow rivers will usually look for pan fish, such as crappie, sunfish, and bluegill. They are best caught in shallow, weedy areas with slow water currents, which are their natural habitat and hunting grounds. They can also be found in certain underwater structures such as piers and depressions and frequent the shorelines during spring, where they breed. They may also find bass and pickerel, which feed on pan fish.

Coldwater fish by nature, trout can also be found in lakes and rivers, though lake-dwelling trout behave differently from their riparian counterparts. They also frequent weed beds but can also be seen close to the surface looking for food.

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Stream fish are frequently fish of cold water, and include trout and seasonal salmon. When feeding, trout are drawn to eddies and other places where the current allows the food to come to them.

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Fly fishing works best closer to the shallower areas near the intertidal zone. Shore fish come and go with the tide, along with the bait fish that they prey on. The tides affect what kind of fish anglers will catch.

Brian Eliason, the President of Northern Fisheries, landed a 51 lb permit on a Raghead Crab fly in 2003. Visit this website for more on his company’s products.

Protein for all: The sustainable seafood standards

Australia celebrated Sustainable Seafood Day in March with the online campaign #ForTheSea. The objective was to boost interest of consumers in ocean health and sustainable seafood. During the celebration, consumers learned about overfishing as well as the destructive practices that are threatening marine life and the health of the oceans.

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Balancing consumers love for tasty seafood and doing right for the ocean is creating noise over the urgency and the importance of understanding how consumer preferences impact the ecosystem. By mandating environmental safeguards, concerned organizations aim to arrive at solutions for all generations to continue enjoying the ocean’s riches.

Among these safeguards are methodologies that assess the sustainability of seafood species. By identifying best choices, excellent alternatives, and species to avoid, consumers are guided in their options. Furthermore, they are encouraged to make a difference by making the right choice, learning about the sources of seafood, and spreading the news to encourage people to support the preservation and proliferation of marine life.

More specifically, the call to support sustainable seafood is reaching out to various entities including:

1. Chefs who continually createsustainable seafood recipes and organize trash fish dinner events;

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2. Smartphone users who can download applications that make it easier for them to get the latest recommendations for seafood and sushi, and locate businesses that serve sustainable seafood;

3. Seafood lovers who have access to online petitions associated with seafood sustainability campaigns; and

4. Fisheries are striving to get certified to supply markets where environmental credibility plays an increasing role in purchasing decisions.

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The increasing demand for seafood worldwide is causing a strain on marine life. Addressing this concern lies in the hands of consumers who, in opting for sustainable seafood, are making responsible choices for the future.

Brian Eliason’s Northern Fisheries only buys products that come from a verifiable sustainable source, and puts it trust in laws that help ensure the sustainability of the products. Learn more about the seafood options that Northern Fisheries offers here.

Invasive seafood on the dinner menu

Invasive species spread like a plague on nonnative habitats, disrupting ecosystems, jeopardizing native wildlife, and in extreme cases endangering human lives. Most control efforts have been fraught with difficulty due to the prolific nature of the pests.

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One proposed solution to curtailing the spread of particularly populous invasive species, purported to be an economic incentive to their eradication, would be to put them on the dinner menu. Many invasive aquatic species in North America, such as Asian green crabs, lionfish, and red swamp crayfish, are in fact edible, and proponents suggest fostering a high demand for them as food.

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At first glance, fishing for invaders might seem a good way to solve two problems at once. Most invasive species lack any natural predators in areas where they have been introduced; actively eating invasive species supplements and bolsters active control efforts, keeping their numbers in check or, in the best cases, outright extirpating them from a locality.

The method is not spared criticisms. Critics argue that sufficient demand would encourage the maintenance of a sustainable population of the invasive species, defeating their conservation purpose.

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Regardless of the outcome, invasive species have found themselves on the dinner plate more than once. Time will tell if lionfish would still be here to stay if they were entrees.

Headed by Brian Eliason, Northern Fisheries is a wholesale and retail distributor that imports and exports quality seafood. Visit this website for more on the company and its selection of fish and shellfish.

REPOST: 4 Reasons Fish Should Be a Staple in Your Diet

Fish is a common food around the world and is one of the most nutritious. discusses the health benefits of including fish in your daily diet the article below:

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Scared you’ll ruin it? Afraid the house will smell? Is it just too…fishy? It’s time to let go of the excuses and start cooking fish in your kitchen. There are so many healthy reasons this food should be a staple in your diet.

It supports a healthy heart. Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are high in omega-3s, an unsaturated fatty acid that may reduce inflammation throughout the body, lower your blood pressure, and reduce irregular heartbeats. According to the Mayo Clinic, just one to two servings of fish each week has been linked a decreased risk of heart disease.

It’s packed with protein. Doubling your protein consumption might help you lose weight, and if you’re not a lover of poultry, beef, or pork, it can be tough to hit that sky-high number every day. Eating a pescatarian diet can help you get more low-calorie and lean protein into your diet that can support your weight-loss goals and keep you satisfied.

It keeps your skin looking young. Tired, dry, and dull skin can get a big reboot from regular fish consumption. Eating fish high in omega-3s (such as salmon and tuna) can help keep your skin-cell membranes strong and elastic; eating omega-3s can also be beneficial for people with sensitivity to the sun—a second bonus for your skin!

It eases depression. Multiple studies with adults have suggested that regular fish consumption may also help treat mild to moderate depression. One study even showed that eating high levels of omega-3s in the third trimester of pregnancy can help women avoid postpartum depression. If you’re dealing with some Winter blues this season, it’s worth a shot.

Brian Eliason is the CEO of Northern Fisheries, a Rhode Island-based company that imports high quality frozen fish fillets from around the world. Check out quality seafood for retail and wholesale on this website.

Seafood safety: A guide to proper handling and storing fresh seafood

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There is a compulsory need to be properly educated about fish and shellfish consumption to ensure that these are safe to eat. Studies have shown that the most common food-borne illnesses are caused by bacteria present in the environment and in food handling errors committed in commercial settings, food service institutions, and even at home.

Seafood is highly perishable and so should be purchased last when doing the groceries. To further avoid cross-contaminating other food products in the shopping cart, enclose individual packages of seafood in Ziploc or plastic bags. This way, the bacteria in raw fish juice is contained and won’t drip on other foods.

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When the seafood arrives home from the market or mail-order, store it immediately in the coldest part of the refrigerator at temperature close to 32 °F or 0 °C as possible. This is if it is not to be consumed within the day. Any degree higher than that will take away fish quality faster.

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In handling fish, lift it whole with both hands and avoid holding it by the tail since it bruises easily. Seal fish fillets or steaks in plastic bags and cover them with ice in trays or pans. Fresh fish that is not prepackaged should be thoroughly washed under cold running water and patted dry with paper towel. Wrap it in Ziploc or plastic wrap and store it in an air-tight container before putting in the refrigerator until ready for cooking. Shelf life of fish is quick so it is best consumed within one to two days.

As for shellfish, store it in a shallow dish with damp towels. Never submerge live shellfish in water or air-tight containers since they could suffocate and die. Squid and shrimp should be stored in plastic containers and have a shelf life of one to two days. Live lobsters and crabs should be cooked the same day they are purchased. Once cooked, lobster or crab meat may be stored in an air-tight plastic container and have an extended shelf life of three to four days.

Owner of Northern Fisheries, Ltd. Brian Eliason ensures high quality seafood products brought to you shipped from around the world. Connect to the seafoood supplier through this Facebook page to learn more about its products.